Nevada News MakersOutreach

Legislative Watch

Ty Cobb

 Ty Cobb

District: Washoe No. 26
Political Party: Republican
Current Job/Position: Attorney
Born: 1975
Family: Wife, Emily, and six-month-old daughter
Education: James Madison University, B.A.,; University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, J.D., with Advocacy Concentration

Ty Cobb has represented the 26th State Assembly since 2006.

Ty Cobb is also an attorney with Jones Vargas, he has been the National Regions Coordinator for the Democratic Initiatives and Head of the Baghdad Region Civic Education Program since 2005.

He also was the Deputy Secretary of Defense, Law Clerk for the Second Judicial District Judge Steven Elliott. Ty Cobb also spent time in Iraq where he helped set up the voting system for the election of an Iraqi president.

Q & A

Q - How did you get to where you are?
“Well, I went to law school, and then after that I was a Law Clerk for Judge Elliot.  I volunteered and went to Iraq in 2003 and came back in 2004. In 2005, I was working for the deputy secretary of defense, and came back to Reno and ran for Assembly.”

Cobb stated that while in Iraq, he found that it teaches you about what people are willing to sacrifice to have basic freedoms. He stated that a lot of people were risking their lives to help give their children a better future. He discussed how he decided he could sacrifice some of his time to make Nevada a better place.

Q - What other jobs did you have leading up to this one?
“I was clerk for Judge Elliot.  I am also an attorney and that’s my current job. I worked for the department of the defense, and I also worked on political campaigns.”

Q - Did you always want to be doing what you're doing now?
“I always wanted to be involved in politics one way or another.”

Q - What are your goals for your regular career or personally?
“I just like to be happy at what I do. In my job, politics, or family, I just want to be enjoying what I’m doing.”

Q - What are your hobbies or interests?
“I like to travel, hiking, usually in Nevada and northern California. Most of my hobbies are centered around my 6-month-old daughter.”

Q - What unusual event have you been involved in, or unusual or memorable people have you met?
“Most of those events and people were in Iraq. I was in the group that set up the first open and free elections in Iraq. I got to know a lot of the people that were involved in helping to stabilize and kind of set up the infrastructure in Iraq.”

Cobb discussed how the Iraqi elections took place after he got home, but the most memorable event was his visiting the Islamic institute south of Baghdad. The institute is a school.

Q - How did you become successful at what you do?
“Probably perseverance…”

Q - What are your favorite causes?
“Well a lot of times I’m involved in causes on behalf of animals, as well as breast cancer research.  My wife’s boss died of breast cancer, so we like to raise money for breast cancer.”

Q - Who or what are your inspirations?
“President Reagan. He was able to articulate our core conservative beliefs in a way that made them appealing to the masses. He was always optimistic and always thought the best of the American people.”

Q - What are your legislative goals next session?
“I want to make sure that were always keeping in mind the needs of the Nevada taxpayers. In an economic down surge, we need to make sure we have money advocated for the citizens that are hurting.”

Cobb discussed how when in a recession people are hurting, and you don’t raise taxes on them. Cobb suggested that Nevada should have to live within its means and find ways to cut back spending.

Q - What issues facing Nevada do you think are most important?
“Obviously budget prioritization. Accountability in education, and maintaining and improving our transportation system.”

Q - How do you view the slim Republican majority in the Senate?
“I say it’s crucial to the people in Nevada, because that’s the only way to stop some intrusive legislation from the opposing party.”

Q - How do you view the large Democratic majority in the Assembly?
“Overbearing. We’re working on changing it. We are trying to get alternative candidates to…get the vote for Republicans.”

Q - On what issue will you not budge?
“Probably taxes. I think we need to prioritize our spending and get rid of inadequate or ineffective programs.”

Asked about how the deficit would affect education, in terms of cutting special-needs programs, gifted and talented programs, and arts programs, Cobb stated there was a need to get rid of all inadequate and ineffective programs.

Did you Know?

 - Ty Cobb serves on three committees in the Assembly: Elections, Procedures, Ethics, and Constitutional Amendments, Judiciary, and Transportation.

- Ty Cobb voted yes in 2007 for the Highway Funding Act, which makes various changes relating to taxes on fuels and the provision of funding for highway projects.  The bill passed.

- Ty Cobb's official birth place is in Fort Belvoir, Va., but considers Reno his official hometown.


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